Want Your Border Collie Featured on our Site?

We love border collies and we love featuring them on our site!
So, if you want your border collie to be featured on our page, please read our submissions page and send us an email with your pictures to: submissions@bordercolliefanclub.com

In this ‘Intros & Hellos’ post, we are featuring this email submission from Mick Howard who’s wanted to introduce to everyone his border collie puppy named Lilly.



We all love looking at the great pics, videos and stories on the Border Collie Fan Club  Facebook and Instagram pages and wanted to share some of our pics of our beautiful border collie Lilly. In the pics she is sat waiting (as usual) at the top of the local crags for us to catch up and looks great this weekend with the heather in bloom, also playing football on the local park and as a a cheeky puppy finding a hole in the fence to make friends with Mavis, her next door neighbour. I hope you like them.




What is the name of your border collie?


How old is Lilly?
She is one year old

How did Lilly become part of your family?
We were very lucky and she chose us when we visited a local farm.


Does she have any special talents or tricks?
She is an awesome footballer, trampoliner, ladder climber and has just started agility classes.




What is the one thing that you love the most about having a border collie as a pet?
We just all love Lilly who is the friendliest, most sociable dog who much to everyone’s amusement constantly pats anyone she meets with her paw to remind them how beautiful she is and she needs a pat and a stroke in return.

Do you have any interesting or funny stories to share about your border collie?
A very naughty five month old Lilly managed to open the door to the hall and steal Santa’s pork pie on X-mas Eve before hiding under her blanket. Thankfully Santa still left presents including Lilly’s!











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